TagTongued Dictionary


mutt  v.— «The women get to fuck our guys while their husbands watch, and we get to fuck rich white women, really mutt ‘em out.» —“Meet the Mandingos” by Sanjiv Bhattacharya Details Blog Mar. 16, 2007. (source:...

circus parking

circus parking
 n.— «Crew and circus parking proposal.» —by City Of Abbotsford Application to Film In The City of Abbotsford (British Columbia, Canada) Oct., 2006. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


skeewampus  n.— «This is where it all goes a bit skeewampus (technical term meaning FUBAR).» —“Security Versus Civil Liberties Debate Bubbles to Surface Again, With No Solution in Sight” by Mike Baker Fox News Mar...

Super Duper Tuesday

Super Duper Tuesday  n.— «Under this plan, nearly half of each party’s convention delegates would be selected on a Super Duper Tuesday in May instead of 37 percent in this year’s March 7 Super Tuesday.» —“A better way to pick...


vegetables  n.pl.— «“Hey Afroman!” a student shouted into the rapper/singer’s dressing room window after the show, “I got a fat sack of headies for ya. You gonna let us in?” They must’ve known that Afroman had to ditch...

shut up and color

shut up and color  v. phr.— «Strike while the irony is hot, or shut up and color your balloons.» —“The Ballons Nodule” by Richard Mitchll The Underground Grammarian (Glassboro, New Jersey) Dec., 1980...

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