revolving son of a bitch n.— «I happen to be of an almost extinct breed, an old-fashioned gentleman—which means I can be a real revolving son of a bitch when it suits me.» —by Robert A. Heinlein Stranger in a Strange Land ...
rotating bastard n.— «He did so, he adds with a smile, only by being “a self-propelled, rotating bastard.”» —by Alex Gerber The Gerber Report: The Shocking State of American Medical Care and What Must be Done About...
mutt v.— «The women get to fuck our guys while their husbands watch, and we get to fuck rich white women, really mutt ‘em out.» —“Meet the Mandingos” by Sanjiv Bhattacharya Details Blog Mar. 16, 2007. (source:...
cledalism n.— «Salvador Dali, for example, defined flight as “the most spectacular expression of the sexual impulse.” And when he had to define that same sexual impulse, he coined the term “cledalism.” This...
marshal lockout n.— «The REO Realtors often have to go with marshals to what’s called a “marshal lockout,” where the inhabitants of a house refuse to leave until they’re forced out by armed officers.» —“Foreclosures as...
creeping crud n.— «Mel Foster offered “Creeping Crud” but it was rejected by the observer as “too mushy.” Then Perry said, “Well, why don’t we just call you…[an obscenity], and everybody laughed...