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bilat  n.— Â«Air Force One touches down tonight at Sydney Airport with POTUS on board (Secret Service-speak for President Of The United States). Tomorrow morning Bush meets Prime Minister Howard for “bilats”—diplomatic slang for...

nom de womb

nom de womb  n.— Â«Well, I feel pregnant. Much more so than I did last month with the chemical. This feels like it felt with Joseph, which is reassuring in a way because after all, my entire pregnancy with him was normal and easy, right up...

spit take

spit take  n.— Â«The seventh annual weekend festival, which opens tomorrow night and comprises more than 50 events, will include an encore interview of Jon Stewart by New Yorker Editor David Remnick to benefit the U.S.O. When he signed up...

wrap-around mortgage

wrap-around mortgage  adj.— Â«Featured topics will be equity participation, the wrap-around mortgage, and the techniques of investment in income-producing property.» â€”“Mortgage Bankers Meeting to Be Held Here...


lockup  n.— Â«Remember that tomorrow we’ll have everything that you need on the Budget, the National Budget and don’t miss the Money website. One minute past two our intrepid reporters, three of them, who are inside the lockup, as it is...

who laid the rail

who laid the rail  adv. phr.— Â«If the poolrooms were to shut up tomorrow, we have enough material already in hand to keep us busy for months. That could not stop us. We are going to smoke them out for who laid the rail.» â€”“Policy Is...

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