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TagTom Swifty

A Whole Nother

For the final word on grammar, many writers turn to the Associated Press Stylebook. But if you find that stylebook too stuffy, you’ll love Fake AP Stylebook, the online send-up that features such sage journalistic advice β€œThe plural of...

Spaceblob - How YOU Doin’?

Bicycle Tom Swifty

Martha shares a couple of Tom Swifties, those funny sentences that make great punny use of adverbs, like “‘My bicycle wheel is damaged,’ Tom said outspokenly.” This is part of a complete episode.

The Thought Plickens

Greetings from Martha, Grant, and our old friend, Tom Swifty! This week we’d like to welcome new listeners who hear us on CKIC 92.9 FM (KICK-FM) in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Our latest episode features tech writer David Pogue taking the slang quiz...