For the final word on grammar, many writers turn to the Associated Press Stylebook. But if you find that stylebook too stuffy, you’ll love Fake AP Stylebook, the online send-up that features such sage journalistic advice βThe plural of...
Martha shares a great automotive Tom Swifty sent in by a listener. This is part of a complete episode.
Martha tries to stump Grant with another Tom Swifty, this one nautical in nature. This is part of a complete episode.
Martha shares a couple of Tom Swifties, those funny sentences that make great punny use of adverbs, like “‘My bicycle wheel is damaged,’ Tom said outspokenly.” This is part of a complete episode.
Martha tells the story behind the term Tom Swifty. Grant shares some more funny examples from the A Way with Words discussion forum. This is part of a complete episode.
Greetings from Martha, Grant, and our old friend, Tom Swifty! This week we’d like to welcome new listeners who hear us on CKIC 92.9 FM (KICK-FM) in Winnipeg, Manitoba. Our latest episode features tech writer David Pogue taking the slang quiz...