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hully-gully  adj.— «The little guy whipped through three quick goals and six straight charity tosses for a fast 12-point finish. He tallied half those points in the last 23 seconds as the game turned into a hully-gully slopfest...


cup-cake  v.— «In its last season before joining Big Ten hoops, Penn State is cup-caking it with UMBC, Morgan, Drexel, Miami (O), Buffalo, Lafayette, Cleveland State, Columbia, Toledo, etc. How would you like to be in charge of selling...


charactercedural  n.— «Wolf has even coined a new word to describe his new show: it’s a “charactercedural” as opposed to the police and court procedurals for which he’s become famous.» —“Spirit without...


snowflake  n.— «Another characteristic of Mr. Rumsfeld’s management style are memoranda asking pointed questions to which subordinates are supposed to drop everything in order to respond. There are so many of these that people in the...


liner  n.— «The dealers search for coins that are the “sliders,” or the “liners,” as they are called, the ones that might glint in such a way on a certain day to become a 65, instead of a 64, in the eye of the right...


slider  n.— «The dealers search for coins that are the “sliders,” or the “liners,” as they are called, the ones that might glint in such a way on a certain day to become a 65, instead of a 64, in the eye of the...

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