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rake  v.— «You have to tip your hat to Doc. To no-hit a team that can flat-out rake the ball is pretty unbelievable.» —“Gooden Enough! Outcast Pitcher Tosses No-Hitter” by Jim Street Seattle Post...


dash  v.— «I was quite relieved to make it to our beach front hotel after four hours of near-death experiences—i did not tip (or dash, as they call it here) the driver.» —“Chapter 11: the mullet goes south” by Brian J...


tip-on n. a promotional item, such as a magnet or game piece, affixed to the cover of a publication. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


backpacker  n.— «I use the term when decribing either a trendy only independent loving hip-hop kid…you usually see them at concerts with backpacks on or the college hip-hop kid who wears a backpack out of necessity…they too...


slob  n.— «I heard that 5deuce mob shit (not sure of the spelling). Theyz the hardest Bay Area shit ta ever come out, bar none. Although I only heard a few songs (East Side Red Rag, Fuck a Slob, Gang Related), theyz the shit...


bullrush  n.— «Bullrush is tops too—just a massive group of people on one side of the field. One person (or two sometimes) would be chosen to be in, and they’d stand in the middle and yell “BULLRUSH” and everyone would run...