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deckle  n.— «Deckle: A 3-inch-thick piece of fat at the tip of a brisket of beef, usually removed unless the customer insists it remain and be cooked to add taste.» —“Chicago Speak” by Anne Keegan Chicago...

verbal gratuity

verbal gratuity  n.— «What do all servers fear? It’s the dreaded “verbal gratuity,” by which customers hope to balance a lousy tip with effusive praise.» —“Here’s taste of often unsavory business of waiting...


bampot n. a crazy person; a fool or dolt. Etymological Note: Most likely a form of barmpot. According to OED, barm, “the froth that forms on top of fermenting malt liquors; the head of a beer,” is used attributively as a formative to...


nouse  n.— «He has introduced a device called the Nouse, which is a play on the word ‘Mouse’ and performs the same function. The concept is based on tracking the tip of the nose with a webcam, thus making it possible to operate the...


swellbow  n.— «When they skate, they keep falling on their elbows, and there’s a name for it called swellbow. So we give tip cards that explain what swellbow is physiologically and what’s happening to their body anatomically, and then how...

sting jet

sting jet  n.— «Dubbed the Sting Jet, it is the source of the most damaging winds that scour Britain in winter, uprooting trees, damaging property and taking lives. The name was inspired by an expression first used by Norwegian...