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LiveCD  n.— «GeeXboX, which incidentally has no affiliation or tie in with the Microsoft console, is a fully operational Media Center solution available on what’s known as a LiveCD. It works on both x86 and PowerPC based computers and is...

tie up

tie up  v. phr.— «Straining runners are in danger of “tying up,” the term for the destabilization of their form when they reach a point at which their muscles can no longer perform with the same intensity.» —“Ginn Jr.‘s...


jam  n.— «In the third period, the Americans got some “jam” as Laviolette refers to it and stormed Latvian goalie Arturs Irbe with 19 shots.» —“Team USA makes medal run tougher with opening tie” by Tim...

tie down

tie down  n.— «When making you presentation you can kee guests involved with the use of “tie downs.” Finish statements with, isn’t it? doesn’t it? wouldn’t you? The tie down requires and answer from your guests.» —by...


skull  v.— «Howard (Curley) Schmidt…holed out a 6-iron for an eagle 3 at the 18th today. He admitted he had skulled a couple of woods before hitting that one.» —“Smiley Quick, Marty Furgol Fire 69S To Tie With...


babalog  n.— «This is a hilarious article I dug up from an Illustrated Weekly dated July 5, 1970…”Our Brown Sahebs–By Bachi N. Kanga…The Brown Sahebs babalog go to public schools where they wear caps and striped...