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voter-owned  adj.— «On Thursday of this week, the “clean elections” program passed by Portland City Council will be implemented. Now known somewhat euphemistically as “voter-owned,” the proposal to front candidates...

car clout

car clout  n.— «Berkeley car owners reported a rash of car clouts—copspeak for auto burglaries—jumping from three on Thursday to 16 Friday, nine Saturday, and 11 Sunday.» —“Police Blotter” by Richard Brenneman Berkeley...


placeshifting  n.— «Sling Media Inc. on Thursday unveiled their Slingbox—a new Personal Video Recorder (PVR) that lets you redirect a live video stream from your cable or satellite TV to a computer anywhere in the house, or, through a...

scarlet letter

scarlet letter  n.— «Two senators unveiled a measure Thursday that would require drivers convicted of three drunken-driving offenses in a five-year period, or four within 10 years, to purchase license plates with a number code that police...

blue light bandit

blue light bandit  n.— «A 53-year-old Monroe High School teacher refused to stop her car Thursday after being followed by a suspect flashing a blue police-style light on his pickup truck. Reports of a blue-light bandit who stopped women...


millennial  n.— «The group spent seven hours Thursday at the Minneapolis Convention Center puzzling over the habits of the so-called millennial generation.…They confirmed much of Sweeney’s description of millennials. As a group...