There are lots of colloquial phrases to explain away the cacophony of a thunderstorm: The potato wagons are rolling, The tater wagon’s going over the bridge, The potato wagon broke down, and God is dumping out potatoes and washing them off. In...
Don’t be that kid who grows so frustrated with a neighborhood game that he takes the ball and storms home—you know, a rage-quitter. This is part of a complete episode.
bow echo n.— «The line of thunderstorms had developed into what is known as a bow echo, named because the line of storms surges or “bows” out to the east and northeast due to strong winds associated with the storms...
popcorn convection n.— «Popcorn Convection. Slang for showers and thunderstorms that form on a scattered basis with little or no apparent organization, usually during the afternoon in response to diurnal heating. Individual thunderstorms...