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jink  v.— «Jink: To maneuver violently to avoid a threat. “I jinked to ditch that SAM.” “I jinked to avoid the First Shirt.”» —“USAF Slang” by maddog2840 in Las Vegas, Nevada F-16.net June 21...


angry-phone  n.— «That rarest of breeds in the largely French-speaking province, Mr. Galganov is a bilingual Quebecker who rallies for the rights of English speakers (Anglophones) and against secession from Canada. That makes him an...


schmiddy  n.— «The schooner glass, favoured by many hotel beer drinkers, is under threat from a slimmer, American version called the Libby Gibraltar, or the “schmiddy.”…The glass size is between the traditional 285ml...


wreckreation  n.— «The NRA didn’t explain to Harden and Eilperin what they meant by “access,” but I guessing it means motorized access, which means roads, which means the NRA still supports the biggest threat to wildlife and hunting, at...

pain point

pain point  n.— «The falling dollar is a threat. We’ve reached the pain point.» —“The Dollar Is Casting A Widening Pall Over Europe” by Blanca Riemer et al. BusinessWeek (42) Feb. 8, 1988. (source: Double...

nuclear blindness

nuclear blindness  n.— «In contrast to the global frenzy triggered by North Korea’s nuclear weapons test, the threat of biochemical WMDs has prompted a muted response from the West. The reason may be what former weapons inspector...