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A few weeks ago, a listener was looking for a term to describe the copy of The Emperor’s New Clothes that he’d read many times as a child. In this picture book, the naughty bits were always cleverly covered up. Thinking he wanted a...

Flyaway and Catio

Thinking about a flyaway, or will you spend the weekend gazing out at the catio? Grant explains these terms. This is part of a complete episode.

Chain Reaction Word Game

Quiz Guys John Chaneski and Greg Pliska lead a couple of rounds of “Chain Reaction,” a word game that’s great for parties and long car rides. Two players try to make a third one guess the word that the other two are thinking of...

dry meat

dry meat  n.—Gloss: a euphemism for bushmeat. «It takes strategic thinking to find monkey meat in New York. Best to avoid the word “monkey,” for one thing — start with something innocuous-sounding, like “dry meat...


wheeler  n.— «Thinking of the poor guy himself as “the wheeler” as vets in wheel chairs sometimes call themselves, over the phone to let pp know they need accomodation. “Im a wheeler” See?» —“19 Wheeler: Only In The...


 v.— «Boy, I bricked that one. What was I thinking of?» —“OOPS! (was Re: Dream Theater Top 10)” by Jon E. King Usenet: alt.rock-n-roll Nov. 2, 1994. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

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