In the early 1600s, the term undertaker didn’t necessarily denote someone in charge of arranging funerals. It was a more general term referring to entrepreneurs who undertook the work of running a business. Mine undertakers undertook exploring...
The rustic expression ring-tailed tooter applies to someone or something outstanding in some way. The term ring-tailed does most of the work here, inspired by the way a ring-tailed animal is more striking than one without such distinctive markings...
After our conversation about the word nickname, a listener shares the story of a guy who earned the nickname Blister because he always “shows up when the work is done.” This is part of a complete episode.
Who is Cooter Brown? And just how high is he? His name appears in lots of phrases, including “high as Cooter Brown,” “drunk as Cooter Brown,” “dead as Cooter Brown,” “fast as Cooter Brown,” and...
Conservative Democrats are sometimes called Blue Dog Democrats. Grant explains why. Check out the work of George Rodrigue, the Blue Dog artist. This is part of a complete episode.