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shoot and scoot mission

shoot and scoot mission  n.— «It’s a well known Taliban tactic to use what the Marines call “Dickers” (spotters) to monitor their patrols and choose if and when to attack, usually in very short burst of what the commandos call...


dicker  n.— Note: Related to dick ‘to watch or to keep under surveillance.’ «It’s a well known Taliban tactic to use what the Marines call “Dickers” (spotters) to monitor their patrols and choose if and when to...

helicopter engagement

helicopter engagement  n.— «Later Rasheed, dressed in a floor-length black overcoat, held three town meetings where Haditha residents begged for help from the provincial government, based in Ramadi. The sessions were part of what the...

fight-through drill

fight-through drill  n.— «“The Marines need to know what it feels like when Oleoresin Capsicum is sprayed on them before they actually go out and deploy it on someone else,” said Sgt. Owen Wood, the lead instructor for the course...

pigeon flipping

pigeon flipping  n.— «Lately, troops say, insurgents have begun using a technique called pigeon flipping: while on patrol, the Marines have noticed flocks of pigeons circling above them, leading them to conclude that supporters of the...


jundi  n.— «The Iraqi soldiers—known to the Marines as jundis, an Arabic term for low-level soldier—may be ready for independent patrol.» —“Iraqi soldiers making strides in training” by Andrew Tilghman Stars and...