This week, Martha and Grant discuss terms from Australia, including aerial ping-pong, pumpkin squatter, and…kangarooster? They explain the connection between stereotypes and stereos, and why we call the person clearing tables in a restaurant a...
It's time again for a newsletter from A Way with Words, public radio's program about words, language, and how we use them. This past weekend we plundered the Australian National Dictionary, which is now available in full online, by sharing...
Great news for language fans: The Australian National Dictionary is now available online for free. It’s full of fascinating words from Down Under. Contrary to what you might think, for example, kangaroosters are pouchless and feather-free, and...
duckshove v. to disclaim responsibility or to blame others; to pass the buck. Editorial Note: The Macquarie Dictionary has additional meanings: “1. to use unfair methods; to be unscrupulous in dealings. 2. (of a taxi driver) to solicit...