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up  n.— «Dealer lingo salted my family’s Thanksgiving dinners, with my uncles talking about “spiffs” (salesmen’s bonuses) and “ups” (customers).» —“Business Bookshelf Showroom Showdown” by John...

Out of Pocket Nosy Parkers

Dear listeners, Our final summer podcast is now available. We know it's November, but we're having more than an Indian summer, we're having a West Indian summer: blue skies and blue water all year 'round. Full shows start this...

Thanksgiving express lane

Thanksgiving express lane  n.—Gloss: a brand-new term for a part of airspace normally reserved for military flights that will be opened up to commercial traffic during the busiest flying days of the year. «The most significant change is...

hi mom

hi mom  n.— «Just before Thanksgiving, 2004, a Fox News producer with whom I’d worked a number of times in Kabul and Bagram showed up on Bagram Air Field to shoot what military PA people call “Hi Moms”—the little snippets of...

mixed consist

mixed consist  n.— «Trolley officials had intended to couple 11 new, streamlined trolley cars to older models during busy periods for the Old Town to Santee run that opened in July 2005.…Now the bugs have been worked out, and trolley...


Septoctnocember  n.— «Labor Day, Columbus Day and Halloween, much less Thanksgiving, are now mere speed bumps on the highway to Christmas, folded into the 115-day month of Septoctnocember.» —“Santa arrives several months...