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corporati  n.pl.— «This elite was originally a landed aristocracy, but since the late 17th century it has increasingly been a capitalist elite—those who own the means of production. Today it is the corporati—the CEO’s, board members and...


BOG  n.— «That group which included Ressam became known in the halls of CSIS as B.O.G., an acronym for “Bunch of Guys”—a group of seemingly hapless petty criminals full of bravado and anti-Western views, but not much else...


po  n.— «Guess I got knocked for what slipped past the cop’s vision/ whenever I felt like po would throw on the bracelet/ I thought, damn, they already let me go on probation.» —“ MidWest/Philly…Confessions 2001 rane of terror...


ERF  v.— «Today he tells The Observer of repeated assaults by Camp Delta’s punishment squad, known as the Extreme Reaction Force or ERF…Rasul said they led to a new verb being coined by detainees: “to be ERFed.” That, he...