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Soap Operas

How did serialized melodramas come to be called soap operas? The answer has to do with the suds-selling sponsors of old-time radio shows. This is part of a complete episode.


CO2e  n.— «The IPCC has crunched the numbers and says this means a tax of about $50 levied on every metric ton of GHGs, or carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e to use their terminology).» —“We Need a Global Carbon Tax” by Ralph...

Saddle My Nag

How about the phrase “saddle my nag”? No, this phrase isn’t some obscure bit of jargon from world of finance. It’s an expression familiar to Aussie schoolchildren. Martha explains what it means. This is part of a complete...

Maverick and Gobbledygook (minicast)

We hear the word maverick a lot lately, but where did this term for a stubborn nonconformist come from? Martha tells the story of the Texas politician who inspired the word, and whose grandson apparently coined another familiar English word...

watch wardrobing

watch wardrobing  n.— «This transformation of the business has also given rise to some horrendous new terminology, with “watch wardrobing” and “accessorizing your wrist” as two of the more egregious examples of the...