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Balloons x - College Slang Party

College Slang Party

Ever been to an ABC party? How about a darty? The hosts discuss these and other slang terms heard around campus. They also talk about mulligrubs and collywobbles, take a shot at a puzzle for celebrity couples, potions that make childbirth a...

A Zillion Ergs

You can’t kid a kidder, but you can buffalo a Buffalo buffalo, as we found out in this past weekend’s brand-new episode. We also enjoyed a magical puzzle and we explored: taking a bath or a haircut in finance uncanny valley lazy...

Feast on Three New Episodes

Hey, look: there are three brand-new episodes to tell you about! Each includes a few rounds of devious word puzzles cooked up by our quiz guy John Chaneski, as well as: Last weekend, “Secret Gibberish”: piggyback gibberish the...


In medical terminology, the abbreviation GTTS means “drops” or “drips.” But why? This is part of a complete episode.


cougay  n.— «The SNL skit below coined the word cougay to refer to an older gay man chasing younger gay men.…Another reason why I posted this blog about cougay (aka chicken hawk) is to beg the question “Am I a cougay?” I...


trad  adj.— «He assured me that what he collects—and plays—is traditional, or “trad,” jazz. I told him I call it Dixieland. He called my terminology “unfortunate,” adding, “Eddie Condon hated the term Dixieland.” That should settle it...