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three-jack  n.— «He yearned to test his golf swing so headed to California and the Golden State Tour. The swing stood up for him but his putting was awful, earning him the nickname “Three-jack” for three-putting so often...


hip-hope  n.— «For the time being, Williams will “spit” knowledge on the mic and on his CD, with the intention of teaching young people a new way of thinking and living. “That’s part of my overall mission and that’s to...

night letter

night letter  n.— «“[The teacher] had a letter—what’s known as a night letter—posted on the outside of his house that pretty much said: ‘This is a message from the Taliban, you’re teaching infidel work and all their hedonistic information...

Cow Hampshire

Cow Hampshire  n.— «Growing up in Dover, Knowles received his undergraduate degree at UNH, and despite teaching at the University of Idaho, he eventually returned to his roots. The state he dubs, “Cow Hampshire...

root shock

root shock  n.— «In addition to her clinical and teaching duties, Dr. Fullilove is the author of Root Shock: How Tearing Up City Neighborhoods Hurts America, and What We Can Do About It, which takes a powerful look at the effects of urban...

drill and kill

drill and kill  v. phr.— «She said teachers spend too much time “teaching to the test” or as they call it, “drill and kill.”» —“Is ‘No Child Left Behind’ passing the test five years later?” by Guy...