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move over law

move over law  n.— «Florida has what’s called a Move Over law. Here’s how the driver’s handbook explains it: “When driving on interstate highways or other highways with two or more lanes traveling in the direction of the emergency...


poligion  n.— «New word for the dictionary: Poligion. The consolidation of religion and politics into one belief system. The belief in and reverence for a political party or person with unwavering faith in their supremacy and infallibility...

deep pocket rule

deep pocket rule  n.— «The common law rule of joint and several liability makes each defendant in a tort lawsuit liable for the entire amount of plaintiff’s damages. The rule is sometimes called the “deep pocket” rule.» —“King...

hire to play

hire to play  v. phr.— «Not to be outdone, the D.C. Republicans say let’s ban gifts worth more than $20 and also outlaw the odious little practice called “hire to play.” That one has been forcing lobbying firms to hire more...

getaway day

getaway day  n.— «By custom, teams play the last game of a series during the day to give the visiting team time to reach the next city at a reasonable hour. By scheduling night games on these “getaway days,” as they’re called...


ganny  n.— «We all have heard the slang terms for pot or whatever but we had never heard of “ganny.”» —“Hell Week” by stutteringgypsy AstutteringGypsy (Tallahassee, Florida) Feb. 12, 2005...