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Taliban union

Taliban union  n.— «The speculation follows much earlier talk that the “Taliban Unions” (as the extreme left unions are affectionately known by more moderate industrial organisations) would be looking to behead Boydy at the earliest...


Talibob  n.— «Thousands of militias—dubbed the “Talibobs” because of their Taliban-like brutality and their slavish devotion to “Bob” Mugabe—tortured and murdered the local population during elections in 2002...

throw a Porsche at someone

throw a Porsche at someone  v. phr.— «An incident like this brings home the sheer scale of military spending. In Afghanistan, where Javelin heat-seeking missiles are sometimes launched against Taliban personnel, our soldiers call it, with...

shoot and scoot mission

shoot and scoot mission  n.— «It’s a well known Taliban tactic to use what the Marines call “Dickers” (spotters) to monitor their patrols and choose if and when to attack, usually in very short burst of what the commandos call...


dicker  n.— Note: Related to dick ‘to watch or to keep under surveillance.’ «It’s a well known Taliban tactic to use what the Marines call “Dickers” (spotters) to monitor their patrols and choose if and when to...


screech  n.— «After their one bottle a day has been consumed, the men must content themselves with the foul-tasting chlorinated water, made more palatable by the addition of flavoured powder, or “screech” as they call it...