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soft-seater  n.— «For soft-seater acts, booking agents are beginning to turn to the suburbs, where 800-1,300 seat theaters are pulling talent from the urban centers.» —“Touring Canada” by Michael...

talent bucket

talent bucket  n.— «Ted had just about everything the talent bucket could provide, but he wasted most of it. He’s my pick for the best natural footballing talent I’ve ever seen who didn’t half live up to his potential.» —“Re: Dr Who’s...

talent bucket

talent bucket  n.— «It’s common knowledge here that the relatively warmer climes of destinations like San Francisco or Seattle have poked holes in the Midwestern talent bucket for years.» —“The Midwest” by Cathy...

talent bucket

talent bucket  n.— «The stink bomb of the concert was Paulina Rubio. Other than attempting to look sexy with a backdrop of dancers, her talent bucket was empty.» —“Reventon Super Estrella rocks the Pond” by Robyn...

talent bucket

talent bucket  n.— «The minutes reveal that some of the 700 detectives will be placed in a “bucket” of talent and handpicked to work in special “strike forces” according to their rank and skill. “The organised...