socks and knocks— «Sulfur is capable of forming more than one oxide…, conveniently lumped together with the symbol SOx. Similarly, nitrogen can produce more than one oxide; they are lumped together as NOx.…Sometimes...
globe n.— «My personal opinion on ‘globe’ (on afterthought of course) remains inclined towards the moderate. and unlike venkatachalam’s blog post, this is not a humorous take. in b-school parlance, the word symbolizes attempts, successful...
cacerolazo n.— «Pot-banging is sort of an institution in Latin America. Except for Cubans, Latin Americans all do it. Known as cacerolazo (from the word ‘casserole’) it’s a way of protesting a very oppressive or very corrupt political...
asteroidick n.— «I have one sports-related suggestion—asteroidick. as-ter-oid-ick (n) symbol: * 1. A star-shaped symbol found in the major league baseball record books to indicate players who used steroids. 2. The slimy stuff that sticks...
king v. among graffiti artists, to (pervasively) paint one’s name or symbol (throughout an area); to own an area through tagging or bombing. Etymological Note: The verb probably derives from the noun king ‘chief or principal person; the best or top...
dhimmi n.— «Tolerated unbelievers were called dhimmi, or ahl al-dhimma, “the people of the pact.” This was a legal term for the tolerated and protected non-Muslim subjects of the Muslim state.…The dhimma, which...