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brick  v.— «I am still smart about what I do online, but I don’t have to live in constant fear that some Active X control is going to surreptitiously install itself and brick my box.» —“The Switch. A Boy and a Powerbook...


flow  n.— «In the cockpit, each pilot has a certain routine, or “flow” in cockpit parlance. Because there are so many items to be checked during the cockpit preflight, pilots learn to check the cockpit in patterns to make sure...

farb man

farb man  n.— «Farb man—same as switch man; When a customer goes in a rear room to obtain the article he has purchased, the farb man tries to sell a more expensive article.» —“Jewelry Auctioneers’ Jargon Obtained From Auctioneers and...

rate tart

rate tart  n.— «Credit card providers are considering withdrawing zero per cent deals, in a sign of their growing exasperation with “rate tarts” who switch cards as soon as they have to start paying interest on their borrowing...


monster  n.— «The $30 worth of hits turned into a $3,000-a-month monster. Now the monster is Irene’s top priority. She’s been on crack three years. Three times in rehab. Three times a failure. “This is not an addiction that you can...


rehat  v.— «“The French and British had two advantages we did not have. They had substantial numbers of troops on the ground already. They would just rehat their people.” He said referring to the switch from UN blue helmets to NATO...