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stitch-up  n.— «Coun Dave Merrett, leader of the Labour group, said: “This is a complete stitch-up and I can’t believe they are trying to get away with it. “The Lib Dems are making sure that they get the answer they want about...


logging  n.— «Manatees, also known as sea cows, can travel as much as 50 miles a day but are also known to laze about. “Some of the people that saw it described what’s known as “logging,” or raising its big back up and...

flat-water pool

flat-water pool  n.— «With apologies to Dr. Seuss, what do you call a swimming hole with no sprinklers, kerpinklers or soaking walinklers?…“In the business, we refer to it at as a flat-water pool,” says Peter Dunn of St. Louis...


octopush  n.— «To someone watching underwater hockey, or “octopush,” as it is called in Australia, it may seem more like synchronized swimming than hockey.» —“Elephant polo” by Steve Bohrn in University of...


beater  n.— «The primary target for hunters are so-called “beater” harp seals—older pups that have shed their whitecoats and are weaned from their mothers. The seals are called beaters because they’re not yet swimming and if...

stick the landing

stick the landing  v. phr.— «Ted Koppel put it this way: Today’s made-for-TV conventions are to the political process what synchronized swimming is to water polo: “choreographed within an inch of its life.” And to borrow...