When someone points out the blindingly obvious, a listener might respond with “duh!” There are other options, too, including no duh!, doy!, and der! Grant creates an online survey to find out which terms people tend to use. This is part...
A San Francisco man confesses he routinely pronounces the word both as “bolth.” Grant gives him the results of an informal online survey that shows the caller he’s not alone—some 10 percent of respondents said they do the same...
What’s the correct pronunciation of crayon? Is it cray-on? Cran? Crown? Here’s a dialect survey map that shows the distribution of these pronunciations. This is part of a complete episode.
none n.— «Commonly referred to as the “nones” or “unchurched,” those who don’t identify with a religion went from making up 8.2 percent of the population in 1990 to 15 percent in 2008, according to the American Religious Identification...
discomgooglation n.— «Now Google has become a symbol of the internet as a whole. A YouGov survey published last week found that Britons suffered from “discomgooglation”—a term used to describe how lost people feel if they...
momfluential n.— «A new survey released today shows that a targeted group of women with children are powerful influencers of the types of products, brands and services their families, friends and colleagues buy. These women, called “Mom...