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three plastic animals rule

three plastic animals rule n. the legal determination that secular symbols in a government-sponsored year-end seasonal display (such as a Nativity scene) can mark it as not endorsing a specific religion or religion in general. Editorial Note: Two...


Estradification  n.— «Some Republicans said yesterday that the demands may be early signs of a stealth campaign by Democrats to kill the Supreme Court nomination by demanding documents they know they won’t get—a strategy one Republican...


Lochnerism n. generally, a form of judicial activism in which court decisions are made based upon presumed rights not specifically addressed by existing (Constitutional) law, especially when influenced by political or personal beliefs. Etymological...


Lochnerism  n.— «Even if the Court extends this mode of scrutiny to review social and enactments generally, it does not seem necessary to wave the bloody shirt of Lochnerism.» —“The Supreme Court, 1977 Term” by John Hart...


shorteats  n.pl.— «The Supreme Court decided to hold a full inquiry into the alleged Police assault on a “shorteats” vendor, who had been found fault for saying “hello” to a Police Sergeant lingering in the vendor’s...


brekko  n.— «“Confused? You won’t be after you’ve had your brekko.” “More porridge I am afraid.” “You’re serving porridge AGAIN?”» —“Re: Florida Supreme Court Questions Admissibility Of Electric...