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Los Anchorage

Los Anchorage  n.— «That was in the early 1900s when Seward was the main supply port for miners in the Hope/Sunrise district of the Kenai and where a still-hoped-for Alaska railroad would start. Seward was a boom town, and Anchorage was...


mock-tini  n.— «Kim Lane of McGill’s restaurant made her Sunrise “Gin” Mock-tini with bartender’s needs in mind.» —“Bartenders compete at Mocktail event” by Kim Brown Tulsa World (Oklahoma) Nov...

death cookie

death cookie  n.— «Me following him down the Sunrise area green runs then cutting turn across to the Flying Dutchman, which was rolled the night before and is now littered with death cookies.» —by Andrew Slough The Traveling...

clay feet

clay feet  n.pl.— «It’s in this hazy area between genuineness and artifice that Sunrise errs on the side of the real, while the folks on Today continue to expose their clay feet, indifference to their audience, and the fact they are...


sale-manageback  n.— «Sunrise sold 12 of its wholly owned properties and 11 joint venture properties for a total of $311 million…. Under a so-called sale-manageback arrangement, Sunrise has a long-term operating contract as well as...


dollar-van  n.— «You really did have to drive, and so although it was certainly always possible to go to Sunrise via bus, train, or dollar-van, the thought that one might actually take those public transportations to get there was usually...