After studying the periodic table, Quiz Guy John Chaneski has concocted a brain teaser about names for the elements. For example, which elements are named for the sun and moon respectively? This is part of a complete episode.
Another hiking term from Journeys North: The Pacific Crest Trail (Bookshop|Amazon) by Barney Scout Mann is hiker’s midnight, which actually denotes a time closer to 9 p.m. After you’ve hiked a good 20 miles, you’ve set up came, and...
Quiz Guy John Chaneski breaks through the clouds with a puzzle about words and phrases that include the letters S-U-N. For example, what do you call a person perceived to be an inexperienced, slow, and unskillful motorist? This is part of a complete...
Sam in Westville, Indiana, heard a woman from Puerto Rico use the expression You cannot cover the sun with a finger, referring to the problem of having more things to work on than she could handle. The Spanish expression tapar el sol con un dedo, or...
When Mary from Hanover, New Hampshire, was vacationing in Alaska, she picked up a term from the locals: sucker hole. It refers to a patch of sun peeking through the clouds, which leads tourists to assume that the weather is going to clear up. The...
A Kazahk saying that literally translates as “I see the sun on your back” means “Thank you for being you.” This is part of a complete episode.