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reblueing  n.— «There is also a program in place which allows us to rotate formations out of the battle space for what is called reblueing and retraining. And there are no forces right now inside our area of responsibility that are...

be daredeviled

be daredeviled  v. phr.— «During the last negotiation for the Independent Production Agreement, in 2001, 20th Century Fox claimed the studio canceled plans to shoot the Ben Affleck action flick Daredevil in Montreal and relocated it to...


nodder  n.— «I thought it would be just the two of us and a hi-fi. But I ended up in a recording studio with about 20 nodders; a nodder is someone who gets paid to agree with the person paying him.» —“Cowell Regrets Not Being Honest...

back nine

back nine  n.— «Both NBC and Warner Brothers have now confirmed that the ratings-challenged (but fan-adored) Studio 60 has received a “back nine” order, meaning the series will complete a full 22 episodes for its freshman...

red light fever

red light fever  n.— «In terms of my own playing, it’s some of the most unselfconscious work I’ve ever put on record.…I kind of tricked myself into it; avoided the red light fever (a red light in the studio indicates that recording...

red light fever

red light fever  n.— «Obviously, the singer had red light fever. The engineers or producer should have taken the situation in hand and given that guy some sort of comfort level. They hosed him.» —“Odd studio experiences” by...