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manopause  n.— «Now middle-aged men have begun to admit they, too, can experience hormonal shifts that affect many aspects of their lives such as sexual function and drive, muscle and bone strength, mood, mental acumen and energy. Some...


lily-pad  n.— «This is obviously a system that creates not only stunned authors but also “star” editors. These stars whizz from house to house (often at dizzying speeds) trailing a galaxy of authors behind them; often they are...


comping  n.— «Hutcherson delivered some of his best work on this tune as he played the straight man to the G-men (Garrett and Gonzalez). Refusing to get caught up in a contest of speed or strength, the wily vet relied on his smarts as he...

brown pound

brown pound  n.— «The Shilpa show also highlighted the economic strength of Britain’s Asian community—not only as consumers but also as wealth creators. The strength of what is called the “brown pound” has become more important...

bosu ball

bosu ball  n.— «One of my discoveries was something called a bosu ball, which looks like a stability ball chopped in half. Bosu is short for both sides up, and it gives old-fashioned exercises like push-ups a whole new level of difficulty...

bullet sponge

bullet sponge  n.— «…Temporary superhuman strength and imperviousness to pain.…Drugs can turn the drug user into a “bullet sponge”—someone who can literally…» —“Police Gunning To Boost Odds Drug Dealers Better...