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outlaw  n.— «Back then, the typical Stockton streetwalker stayed in Stockton, turning tricks to support an IV drug habit. She was, in pimp parlance, “an outlaw,” a freelancer with no pimp.» —“New era for oldest...


overhire  n.— «In January, Krauss was given authority to hire 11 new officers, including five officers whose main responsibilities would be to cover vacations, work-related medical leaves and other absences that prevent cops from being on...


ghost-ride  v.— «Stockton police officers said they’re seeing more and more teens “ghost-riding the whip.” It’s a phrase coined by rap artists that refers to the act of jumping out of a moving vehicle and dancing alongside it...


sideshow  n.— «But he also thinks the Stockton Police Department crossed a line when they impounded his truck from his driveway Saturday and accused him of “sideshowing”—a term used to describe a reckless display behind the...


sideshowing  n.— «But he also thinks the Stockton Police Department crossed a line when they impounded his truck from his driveway Saturday and accused him of “sideshowing”—a term used to describe a reckless display behind the...


scrap  n.— «Three Norteños riding in the car—including a 16-year-old Tracy boy—were convicted in connection with the crime. Transcripts suggest it was Ramos’ shirt that drew their attention. “Is that guy a scrap?” one of them...