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Hiker Trail Names and Trail Angels

As a Wyoming caller noted in an earlier episode, through-hikers on routes like the Appalachian Trail give each other trail names β€” jocular appellations that stick throughout their trek. The origin stories of several of these are told in the book...

How To Get Started Writing Fiction

Now that he’s reached mid-life, Jeff in San Diego, California, is eager to start writing fiction, but he worries that creative writing classes may be simply self-indulgent or otherwise unhelpful. He shouldn’t be. Across the nation, older...


If you ever need a term for “a stick lit at one end and waved in the air to form an arc of light,” look no further than Scotland. There, such a plaything is called a dingle-dousie. This is part of a complete episode.

Get on the Stick

Iris from Cave Junction, Oregon, wonders about the expressions get on the stick, meaning get going, and piping hot, meaning extremely hot. While some have associated the phrase get on the stick with an automotive origin, a more likely etymology...

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