noload n.— «Since it took me about ten minutes to get down there, I knew from the start that the probability of a noload was high. A noload, by the way, is cab parlance for wasting the cab driver’s time by taking a hike before the cab...
flairing n.— «Steve Rodwell, a 29-year-old who is also a Sydney-based beverage consultant, explains that a flare master does flairing, which is balancing, catching, flipping, spinning or throwing bar products and tools—bottles, glasses...
tip-on n.— «Attenborough also distributed postcards with tip-on samples in cinemas and used the Clothes Show Live in December and the Cosmopolitan Show in April to demonstrate the product to the public.» —“A clean start for Pore...
Yuma n.— «For years they dreamed of coming to “la yuma,” as the United States is known in Cuba.» —“After treacherous voyage, refugees seek fresh start in Irvine” by Don Rosen Orange County...
bank v.— «Candy, constantly sucking her finger, says she thinks her nose is broken from a recent fight. “Two girls banked me,” she explains.» —“New Start seeks to change behavior” by Robin Farmer Richmond...
Portunol n.— «In Portuguese Africa, I find I can muddle along by speaking something that might be referred to as portunol—basically Spanish, with as many Portuguese words, word-endings and inflections as I can muster.» —“In...