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scatter band

scatter band  n.— «They’re known as a “scatter band” for their lack of formation.…“What happened was, we had a band director who was fired in 1963,” says Amit Aggarwal, who plays tenor sax. When a graduate student...

scatter band

scatter band  n.— «Eschewing the more traditional, rigid marching-band image of peers such as Cal and USC, Stanford’s rowdies call themselves a “scatter band.” Also found at most Ivy League schools and others such as Rice and...

woof it up

woof it up  v. phr.— «Trash talk? Stanford has some guys who can woof it up with anybody.» —“Cards Will Make Cal Surrender” by Tony Cooper San Francisco Chronicle (California) Nov. 22, 1991. (source: Double...


MTBU  n.— «There wasn’t time for the banks to fix the problem if anyone went public with it. Their MTBU was too short. MTBU? That’s “Maximum Time to Belly Up”, as coined by the majestic Donn Parker of Stanford Research Institute...

sea turtle

sea turtle  n.— «At the start, graduates of schools like Stanford and Berkeley who returned to China with an M.B.A were able to command Western-style salaries, so more followed in their wake. Native punsters referred to them as “sea...


hapa  adj.— «At Stanford last year, a group of women who are Asian and white and were in classes together formed HAPA, the Half Asian People’s Association. “Hapa” is Hawaiian for half Asian.» —“Students Of Mixed Race Form...