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Dutchman  n.— «Contractors have cut out letters or entire words from the granite and put in a blank plug, commonly called a Dutchman, for each correction. The next step will involve carving the corrected words into the granite...


chicken-in-the-basket  n.— «Her choice of cover versions, including songs made famous by Peggy Lee, Dusty Springfield, Nina Simone and Bobbie Gentry, underlined how far short of the standards of those great singers she fell, painfully so...


smurfing  n.— «Missourians had been caught in Illinois on several occasions “smurfing”—that is, buying anhydrous ammonia, iodine crystals, ether and other ingredients from various sources, far from their labs, to avoid raising...


isolette  n.— «As all 11 students gathered around the incubator, or isolette as it is also known, the campers got a crash course in medical terminology that was not part of their vernacular. » —“Campers gather at...

impact incarceration

impact incarceration  n.— «A prison work camp in southern Illinois will be turned into a military-style boot camp designed to shock youthful offenders out of a life of crime, Gov. Thompson announced Friday. The planned “impact...

knob knocker

knob knocker  n.— «“Imagine a razor shaving your face, but on a much bigger scale,” says Shawn McKinney, president of the Springfield Area Mountain Bike Association about the knob knocker, a device created to shave the bumps off a...