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dash-boarded  adj.— «“Getting dash-boarded (thrown over the front of the bull) is also dangerous,” Davis says. “The worst is when you get stepped on.”» —“Cowboys must prepare for ride of their lives” by...

grits line

grits line  n.— «Alexandria still has its Jefferson Davis Highway and Springfield its Robert E. Lee High School, but if last week’s election showed anything, it’s that Northern Virginia is not only different than the rest of the state, it...


confuzzle  v.— «George Farson, who managed the Eastern League Holyoke Millers baseball team in 1978, invented a word one day. He said his team was “confuzzling.” That’s confusing and puzzling, with a dash of good ol’ boy mixed...


‘kinning  n.— «It’s fast approaching ‘kinning time. ‘Kinning, as in pumpkinning. The peculiar, age-old Springfield tradition of rolling Halloween pumpkins—preferably pilfered—down the steep downtown hills into the Square has...

sweep room

sweep room  n.— «Also at Lanphier, beginning Monday, administrators will make sweeps of the hallways when the bell rings at the beginning of the first morning class and the first afternoon class. Teachers will close their classroom doors...


rat  n.— «Meanwhile, the Stinebakers make no attempt to conceal the fact that the Thunderbird—at least to some devout worshippers of domestic vehicles—is sort of a sacrilegious Frankenstein machine. Inside the Ford body sits a Chevrolet...