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munter  n.— Note: Probably unrelated to the British slang term “munter,” which refers to an undesirable woman. «More than 400 people between the ages of 23 and 35 will then appear divided into 16 teams wearing different colored...


slacklining  n.— «We were at the University of Minnesota, where a burgeoning sport called slacklining was being practiced between tall oak trees on the grassy mall in front of Northrop Auditorium. Like its cousin sport of tightrope...


heli-hiking  n.— «To be honest, the first day of your heli-hiking trip, run by a company called Canadian Mountain Holidays, entailed exactly zero hiking, but plenty in the way of massages, therapeutic mineral baths, romantic dinners...


pecha-kucha  n.— «Let us now bullet-point our praise for Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein, two Tokyo-based architects who have turned PowerPoint, that fixture of cubicle life, into both art form and competitive sport. Their innovation, dubbed...

bootleg trail

bootleg trail  n.— «No one knows who cut the first bootleg trails. By definition it would have to be after 1937, when the first rope tow was erected on Mt. Mansfield. If charging for a lift lent a certain legitimacy to the sport, it also...


fluffing  n.— «Invented in the mid-1990s by a German bodybuilder named Chris Clark, synthol is a thick oil that is usually injected directly into the “belly” of a muscle to literally pump it up—albeit temporarily. Competitive...