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splash  v.— «That also means no bathroom breaks unless the convoy stops to “splash,” the term for fueling up the Humvees with gas cans on the side of the road. Then the soldiers discreetly do their business standing next to...

splash and dash

splash and dash  n.— «In F1 parlance, they call it a “splash and dash,” which actually refers to a very quick refuelling pit-stop when there’re just a few more laps to go.» —“Oh what a day” by Oh A Simple...


taper  n.— «I wanted to come back here and start my “taper,” because I particularly like how my mother “tapers” me.…After beating yourself up in the water, you need to get rid of all of the lactic acid and...

splash mark

splash mark  n.— «We were, of course, aware of the effects of artillery and witnessed—examined splash marks from artillery freshly fired.» —“Case No. IT-99-36-T, v. Radoslav Brdjanin” Intl. Criminal Tribunal for the former...

splash mark

splash mark  n.— «In the gulf war, our vehicles got hit farely often. One tank had 4 splash marks on it’s frontal slope from HEAT rounds.» —“Oh, so a mech cant kill tanks eh?” by Absolut_Tempest Mechanized Propulsion...

splash mark

splash mark  n.— «On the bridge side of the final concrete barrier between the shoes and Mahde’s body, there are four rough hollows where bullets struck. An American soldier points them out; he refers to them as splash marks.» —“US...