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otter  n.— «The bears that made a big splash in Chilliwack are members of the social group VanCubz, a bunch of down-to-earth guys who are hefty and/or hirsute, and their admirers.…Allan is what is known in bear parlance as an otter...

splash and dash

splash and dash  n.— «But the law did not anticipate “splash and dash”—a loophole in the system. This practice involves bringing a tanker of biodiesel made elsewhere, usually Indonesia or Malaysia, to the United States, adding...

March effect

March effect  n.— «The move to garner more deposits by offering up to double-digit rates this month is primarily because it is the end of this financial year when banks try to meet their annual fund targets. This, the industry calls the...

splash and dash

splash and dash  n.— «While flying over Lake Rockwell, several participants lowered down and performed what is called a splash and dash, where balloons are lowered down to water level and skimmed across the water.» —“Balloon A-Fair...


crown  v.— «So they either a) have to hover, which means whatever bodily fluids they’re letting out are going to splash, or b) they’re coating the seat with toilet paper [also known as “crowning” the seat], or c) they’re wiping...

empathic painting

empathic painting  n.— «“Empathic painting,” as it is known, is an interactive painterly rendering whose appearance adapts in real time to reflect the perceived emotional state of the viewer.» —“Boffins splash out with empathic...