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Pig Latin

Grant and Martha discuss the L-word — or two L-words, actually: liberal and libertarian. They reflect different political philosophies, so why do they look so similar? Also, is the term expat racist? A journalist argues that the word expat carries a...

Hindi Expressions

“Half-filled pots splash more” is the literal translation of a Hindi expression suggesting that those who make the most noise have the least worth noticing. Another Hindi idiom translates literally as “who saw a peacock dance in...

Rock Riddle

“What happens when you throw a yellow rock into a purple stream? It splashes.” (Ba-dump-bum.) Grant and Martha share this and other favorite riddles, some with deceptively obvious answers. This is part of a complete episode.


miss-marked  adj.— «Any rat that has white areas with color is considered marked. There are certain areas that white can be expected. Typically, rats can have a belly patch (Irish), chest patch (English-Irish), full belly white and white...


splash/mash/dash  n.— «The Ming Tomb reservoir aptly hosts the swimming section of the gruelling Olympics triathlon events.…The Olympic ‘splash/mash/dash,’ as the sport is fondly known, takes place in the Changping District of...

splash blending

splash blending  n.— «S.C. fuel distributors mix the two together to produce a cleaner-burning fuel, which they sell to motorists. During the last few years, this mixing practice, called “splash blending” has become popular among fuel...