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South African “Shot” Slang

Cory in Newark, Ohio, says that while in South Africa, he heard the exclamation shot! used in an empathetic way to mean “that’s so sweet!” or “bless your heart!” In South Africa, the word can be used to express...


garagiste  n.— «Then there was the rich red fruity wine with lashings of vanilla and oak from Hofstraat Winery’s Renosterbos Shiraz’. It was inspiring, for the creator is a “garagiste” (a term used to describe home winemakers who...


jackrolling  n.— «In a related survey conducted among 1,500 schoolchildren in the Soweto township, a quarter of all the boys interviewed said that “jackrolling”—a South African term for recreational gang rape—was fun.» —“South...


claim  v. phr.— «Little pumped his fist to “claim” that ride, surfer parlance for a physical gesture at the end of a good ride that told the others he had won that small battle with nature.» —“South African wins Mavericks...

duck fart

duck fart  n.— «“Duck fart” is an endearing Australian colloquialism used to describe the pungent barnyard aromas given off by ripe Shiraz. Dr. Johnson’s “anatiferous” is a far more genteel term.» —“Pendock...