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man-dress  n.— «The fact that I had to dress up like an Iraqi to watch a meeting firsthand just goes to show that something’s wrong. What’s a gringo doing wearing a man-dress? Or jundee ameriki (american soldier) as they say in...


man-dress  n.— «When we go into town, we take sling shots and paint balls. Fuck those kids. This one kid I hit was wearing a man-dress and was pissed, he thought I ruined it.» —by Jason Christoper Hartley in Iraq Just...


man-dress  n.— «“There’s a guy in a white man-dress,” one soldier calls out, referring to the full-length dishdash worn by Iraqi men.» —“Soldier one moment, peacekeeper the next” by Nicholas Blanford in...


fobbit n. a soldier or other person stationed at a secure forward operating base; (hence) a person who is reluctant or afraid to leave a military base. Etymological Note: forward operating base + hobbit (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

Baghdad diet

Baghdad diet  n.— «What exactly is Rudy’s Baghdad Diet? You’ve got to live in Baghdad: this is important because the heat there pretty much kills your appetite. No fried foods: stick to fish, salads, and vegetables 90 minutes...


thumping  n.— «Then a soldier would conduct the equivalent of what the oil industry calls “thumping.” Within the area rigged with sensors, a soldier would shoot a rifle at a small metal plate on the ground, causing...