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prior-roarity  n.— «In the Texas legislature, they are called “prior-roarities,” such a happy coinage. What should come prior?» —“Lynching Social Security” by Molly Ivins WorkingForChange (U.S...


Asbo  n.— «The move would give Scotland’s local authorities, who would be able to apply for Anti-Social Behaviour Orders (Asbos), greater clout in trying to deal with unruly tenants.…It would be unprecedented for the police to apply...

spizzer inktum

spizzer inktum  n.— «La Spizzer Inktum will entertain their husbands at dinner Friday evening at 6:30 at the home of Mr. and Mr.s G. I. Smith, 2701 O street.» —“Social Calendar” Lincoln Sunday Star (Neb.) Feb. 7...


microaggression  n.— «Social scientists call the event a “microaggression,” by which they mean one of those many sudden, stunning, or dispiriting transactions that mar the days of women and folks of color. Like water dripping...

386 generation

386 generation  n.— «Many of them were imprisoned while staging anti-government and unification activities in the 1980s. They belong to the so-called “386 Generation.”» —“Student Activists in 1980s Gear Up for New Social...


spange  v.— «To spange: Shorthand street talk for that often-heard phrase, “Spare change?” says The Denver Post. Spangers have made it into a verb.» —“Social Studies” by Michael Kesterton Globe and...

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