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Language Headlines (minicast)

This week’s language headlines include the publication of new slang dictionary, and an entire book devoted to that tiny piece of punctuation, the period, and a tip-off about audio recordings of famous authors whose voices would otherwise be...


broheim n. brother; friend, buddy. Also broham, brougham, or (rarely) broheem. Editorial Note: This term was recently popularized by the movie A History of Violence. Etymological Note: The Berkeley High School Slang Dictionary (2004, North Atlantic...


saltie  adj.— «Saltie: Embarassed- Made to look foolish. ex: And he was looking SALTIE as hell when they left him standing there by his self.» —“Y & B’s Chicago Slang dictionary” Y&B.net (Chicago...


 n.— «Brougham: A Vehicle, Phrase used for a car.» —“Y & B’s Chicago Slang dictionary” Y&B.net (Chicago, Illinois) , 2004. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)

wild hundreds

wild hundreds  n.pl.— «Wild hunneds: (PROUNOUNCED “HUNNEDS” NOT HUNDREDS) Section of Chicago beginning with 101st & stretches to 130th street beginning with State (0 East) going west to a little past Halsted (800 west) ...


nuke  n.— «Nuke: Good, Fire, Of well taste. ex: “Those Chicken Wings are on the NUKE”!» —“Y & B’s Chicago Slang dictionary” Y&B.net (Chicago, Illinois) , 2004. (source: Double-Tongued...