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Vegas throat

Vegas throat  n.— «The singer has had to cancel several shows in recent weeks because of bronchitis. Her publicist says the condition was brought on by the dry air in the desert, along with all the heavy air conditioning in the hotels and...

Do Singers Have Accents? (minicast)

You’ve heard this happen: A singer belts out a song, and then afterward, she starts talking and you’re startled to hear what sounds like a completely different accent. What is it about singing that seems to change some people’s...


boat  n.— «R&B singer Ray-J was recently allegedly kicked out of a D.C Hyatt hotel for noise complaints and being in possession of the drug “Boat,” a street-term for PCP laced marijuana.» —“HHDX News Bits (Ray-J...

tampon rock

tampon rock  n.— «The other day I came across one of the most descriptive and appropriate genre titles. The lead singer of Dragonette called her previous work “Tampon Rock.” This genre is girls or women with guitars or a piano...

pants role

pants role  n.— «In opera parlance, the term is “pants role,” meaning male characters performed by female singers. Mozart wrote one for “The Marriage of Figaro,” Strauss for “Der Rosenkavalier.” As Berkeley singer Leslie Hassberg notes...


chonga  n.— «The magic starts with a heaping glob of electric blue L.A. Looks hair gel. Then comes the extra coating of $1.07 Beauty Glamorous Extra Hold hair spray. So begins the transformation of 17-year-olds Mimi Davila and Laura Di...