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auto-rick  n.— «And speaking of auto-rickshaws, I did work up the courage to make a few short trips on the three-wheelers. Affectionately called “auto-ricks” by the locals, they reminded me of Bangkok’s infamous tuk-tuks...

buy home

buy home
 n.— «Buy home: (Original Singapore coinage) Takeaway.» —“Save our Shiok!” by Denyse Tessensohn Today (Singapore) May 26, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


 adj.— «Half-past-six: (Original Singapore coinage) Slipshod.» —“Save our Shiok!” by Denyse Tessensohn Today (Singapore) May 26, 2005. (source: Double-Tongued Dictionary)


chonies  n.pl.— «My disclaimer here is that netters are an unrepresentative lot, so don’t getcher chonies in a knot, ‘kay?» —“Re: Singapore Airline Girls” by Michael Yin Usenet: soc.culture.asian.american Mar. 9...


junk  n.— «See the story of the guy in Singapore (I think) who was cheating on his gf and she Ripped His Junk Completely Off?!! That’d make John cringe.» —“Re: Patches not sticking” by “Lee in Duluth MN”...


KKN  n.— «Could the kkn (korupsi, kolusi dan nepotisme) plague thrive in HDB-land after all?» —“Harry Lee, is there Corruption involved in the small arms industry?” by Andrei (andreid@sprint.ca) Usenet: soc.culture...