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Wet Dress Rehearsal

A wet dress rehearsal is a run-through of all the processes required before a rocket launch, up until, but not including, liftoff. What makes this simulation wet is that the rocket’s fuel tanks are filled, then drained once the countdown clock...

In Silico

If you listen to the show via podcast, then you might say it’s coming to you in silico. This computer science term means “performed on computer or by computer simulation.” It’s the equivalent of in vitro, or “in...


alife  n.— «Artificial life, often referred to as alife, is a very diverse field of study, encompassing simulations, computer models, robotics and biochemistry.» —“It’s life, Jim, but not as we know it” by Sean...

hot wash

hot wash  n.— «After the play the training audience gets a good night’s rest while the control cell burns the midnight oil analyzing the data and composing the debrief. This hot wash is given the next day. It summarizes the events from an...

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