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Car Blinkers

After we puzzled over a caller’s use of the term Jack Roses to signal a sudden shift in conversational topics, Christye from Abilene, Texas, wrote to say that when that happens to her, she says, You didn’t put your blinker on! The word...

Episode 1486

The Last Straw

In this episode, books for word lovers, from a collection of curious words to some fun with Farsi. • Some people yell “Geronimo!” when they jump out of an airplane, but why? • We call something that heats air a heater, so why do we call...

rain fade

rain fade  n.— «Rain and snow absorb the signal, reducing the quality of the service during storms, an effect the industry calls “rain fade.”» —“With WiMax, Walking on the Wireless Side in Baltimore” by Peter...


pseudolite  n.—Gloss: A pseudo satellite. «Airports could, however, have inexpensive pseudolites that would receive GPS signals and broadcast their own, to provide both a stronger signal locally and one that is geographically more...

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